Responses to the Reynoso Report

April 18, 2012

On behalf of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate, the Representative Assembly commends Justice Reynoso and the Reynoso Task Force for their report on the November 18th incident. The time and effort needed to produce the report were significant and are appreciated by the Academic Senate. We specifically thank Justice Reynoso for his tenacity and determination to have as complete a report as possible released to the campus community.

April 13, 2012

Dear Colleagues:

By now you have likely seen the Reynoso Report. The report is outstanding and I congratulate the Task Force for their diligence, insight and clarity in identifying both the issues surrounding the events of November 18th and recommendations for moving forward. Our own committee, the Davis Division's Special Committee on the November 18th (Special Committee) Incident is in the process of analyzing the content of this report. The Special Committee will meet with the Executive Council and the Chancellor on April 20. I anticipate releasing outcomes of that important discussion after our meeting on next Friday. I also plan to schedule a special session of the Representative Assembly to discuss the Special Committee's conclusions and findings as well as those of the Reynoso Report. I will let you know the date of that special Representative Assembly meeting. I conferred with Executive Council and we decided to hold another Representative Assembly meeting in order to allow our representatives and their departmental colleagues adequate time to review the Reynoso and Kroll reports.

Important business is scheduled for discussion by the Division at the April 17th Representative Assembly meeting. Foremost is discussion of the Special Committee on Athletics Report. This special committee was created at the request of the Representative Assembly in October 2011, to review the Vision for the Future of UC Davis Athletics. The presentation of the Athletics Special Committee Report at the April meeting is the final step in determining the Davis Division of the Academic Senate's position. A clear position statement by the Senate will be essential as we enter the final stages of selection of a new Athletics Director. Additionally, Chancellor Katehi will provide the annual State of the Campus Address during the April 17th meeting. During the State of the Campus Address I expect Chancellor to discuss some of the important issues facing the campus including a new budget model, the 2020 Initiative, and the on-going reduction in state funding to UC.

I will continue to provide updates as important information becomes available.


Linda F. Bisson, Chair
Davis Division of the Academic Senate
Professor:  Viticulture and Enology

March 2, 2012

Dear Colleagues:

The release of the Reynoso Task Force Report on the Pepper Spray Incident is scheduled for March 6. Former California Supreme Court Associate Justice Cruz Reynoso, chair of the task force, announced today that the group will outline its findings and recommendations to the UC Davis community on Tuesday, March 6 from 3 to 4:30 PM in the Conference Center Ballroom.  The task force findings, recommendations and background documents will be made available on the UC Davis home page at noon on Tuesday, March 6. A live webcast of the public meeting will also be accessible from the campus home page.

Additionally, the Academic Senate's Special Committee on the November 18th Incident has been working in anticipation of receiving the Reynoso Report which includes the investigative information provided by Kroll investigators. The Special Committee will begin its review of the report as soon as it is received by the campus. They have also been reviewing relevant campus and UC policies in anticipation of receiving the Reynoso report. The Special Committee's charge is available below.
If you have information to provide the Special Committee please send a confidential message to

Finally, as committed, I will be calling a Special meeting of the Representative Assembly as soon as the Reynoso report is received to allow an opportunity for the Representative Assembly and interested members of the Academic Senate membership to discuss the report with Chancellor Katehi. Please look for a Special Representative Assembly meeting notice next week.


Linda F. Bisson, Chair
Davis Division of the Academic Senate
Professor:  Viticulture and Enology

The Executive Council of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate approved formation of a special committee to investigate, in a thorough and timely manner, the events leading to the use of force on Nov. 18, 2011.

EC Special Committee on the November 18 Incident

Approved by Executive Council on November 20, 2011


The Executive Council approved appointment of a Special Committee on the November 18th Incident in order to review the issues leading to the November 18th Incident in which student protesting were pepper sprayed on the quad.


The Special Committee is charged with investigating the events that led to the use of force against protesters on November 18 and subsequent events, review the policies that allowed this to happen, and make recommendations for changes. The committee will have about 30 instructional days to make their report to the Executive Council.

Duration (updated 2/3/12)

The Special Committee is asked to complete its work by March 19, 2012. We appreciate your willingness to give of your time despite the expedited timeline associated with this task. Edwin M. Arevalo from the Academic Senate Office will provide analytical support to the Special Committee.

Committee Charge


Comprised of:
  • Seven Members of the Academic Senate
  • One Representative from Academic Federation
  • One Representative from Associated Students of UC Davis
  • One Representative from Graduate Student Association
  • One Representative from the Law School Student Association
  • One Representative from Staff Assembly