There is a long standing concern among faculty and the Academic Senate regarding faculty salary equity. The systemwide and divisional Academic Senate has taken a variety of actions. The following is a chronology of events that have taken place.
- Faculty Salary Equity Analyses 2014 (under review: a Divisional Response will be posted after December 18, 2014).
- April 2014 letter to the Provost – Intercampus Faculty Salary Disparities
- Joint Task Force Report - Analysis of Faculty Salary Equity - 1/24/2014
- Response of the UC Committee on Faculty Welfare to the Legislative Analyst's Report on "Faculty Recruitment and Retention at the University of California" - 2/22/2013
- Request for a New Total Remuneration Study for Ladder-Rank Faculty - 1/11/2013
- Systemwide Rebenching Budget Committee Report - 11/27/2012
- UC Davis Off-Scale Task Force Report - 5/7/2012
- UC Wide Review: Faculty Salaries Task Force Report - 4/11/2012
- Systemwide Review: UCAAD Salary Equity Study - 12/8/2011
- Faculty Salary Gap and Restoring UC Competitiveness - 8/11/2010