Academic Senate Listserv

The purpose of this listserv is to deliver information, generally of an academic nature, that directly impacts Academic Senate faculty as a whole, including (but not limited to) information on:

  • Academic policies, procedures, and operations
  • Academic Senate news and information
  • Campus meetings
  • Career and fellowship opportunities
  • Research funding
  • Workshops

Distribution Information

The listserv address is The Executive and Associate Directors of the Academic Senate moderate the listserv. When you send a message to, they will review it and then a) approve it for distribution whereupon it is automatically distributed to all Academic Senate members, or b) reject it with an explanation. They will reject messages that are inappropriate or do not meet the distribution criteria. While the list contains only Academic Senate members, keep in mind that messages may be forwarded to and read by other members of the campus community.

Please only send messages from an individual who is able to respond to questions received from listserv members. Listserv members need only reply to a message to contact the message originator with questions and/or comments. Do not send your message to Academic Senate Office staff to forward on your behalf. Moderators will return the message to you to send to the listserv address yourself.

Please note that not all e-mail programs can display HTML or Rich-Text formatted messages. For the widest distribution of information, plain text format is recommended.

Subscription Information

Subscribers are automatically added via their status as Academic Senate members in UC Path. Please contact the Executive Director if you wish to be removed.