Senate authority (and the lack of Administration authority) over professional school curricula

[Advice to a member of the Division on 12/6/2000]

Regents' Standing Order 105.2 states:

The Academic Senate shall authorize and supervise all courses and curricula offered under the sole or joint jurisdiction of the departments, colleges, schools, graduate divisions, or other University academic agencies approved by the Board, except that the Senate shall have no authority over courses in the Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco Art Institute, in professional schools offering work at the graduate level only, or over non-degree courses in the University Extension. No change in the curriculum of a college or professional school shall be made by the Academic Senate until such change shall have been submitted to the formal consideration of the faculty concerned.

The exception clauses for professional schools bar the wider Senate from interfering with a Faculty with no undergraduate courses, but these clauses retain authority to the Faculty and not to the Administration.