2017-18 Chair's Welcome Letter

Letter from the Senate Chair: Welcome to 2017-18

October 4, 2017

Dear Senate Colleagues,

Welcome to 2017-18! My name is Rachael Goodhue, and I am serving my second year as Senate Chair. I am joined this year by Vice Chair Kristin Lagattuta. You can view the full list of Senate committee chairs and members here.

With notable campus and community enthusiasm, UC Davis has begun a new journey. “The foundation of our university is strong,” writes Chancellor May in his welcome message, “and we will continue to build on that foundation.” I join Chancellor May in his aspiration to propel UC Davis forward.

As the Senate often discusses, the University of California is built on a foundation of shared governance. The Regents, the administration, and the faculty govern an enterprise of remarkable breadth and impact. This governing model is integral to the success of both our campus and the UC at large.

In strengthening this longstanding foundation, the Senate will build the faculty’s relationship with Chancellor May and work with him to plan UC Davis’ trajectory. I am confident that upcoming strategic planning will be well served by faculty who offer fresh ideas and ask tough questions. And in the process, I hope we as a campus build our future on the foundation of shared governance that has supported our past.

Lastly, on a somber note, I was saddened to learn that UC Davis graduate Michelle Vo was among the victims of the shooting in Las Vegas. I want to express my sincere condolences to her family and friends, and to the loved ones of all the victims of the shooting.

I look forward to a busy, vibrant year for UC Davis, and I wish you the best for fall and beyond.


Rachael E. Goodhue
Chair, Davis Division of the Academic Senate
Professor and Chair, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics